Monday, June 26, 2017

Blackberry Buckwheat Ricotta Pancakes

Blueberry pancakes may be the standard, but these Blackberry Pancakes have them beat!

Makes about 16 pancakes

3/4 cup buckwheat flour
3/4 unbleached A/P flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
2 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
1 1/2 cups water
1 cup fresh or frozen blackberries
Pure maple syrup, for serving

Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Set aside.

In the bowl of a stand mixer or by hand in a large mixing bowl, combine the buckwheat flour, flour, sugar, baking powder, and sea salt.  Add the   egg yolks, melted butter, vanilla, ricotta, and water. Mix well. Stir in the blackberries. Fold in the egg whites.

Heat a griddle pan over medium-low heat. Grease the pan with butter or olive oil. Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, drop batter onto the hot griddle. Flip the pancakes when little bubbles form on the surface. Cook for just another minute or so on the other side.

Serve with warmed maple syrup.  I like using Grade B; it has a much more intense flavor.


Monday, June 19, 2017

German Apple Pancake (Apfelpfannkuchen)

This may look daunting, but it is actually quite simple to make, and the end result is incredible. This is well-worth throwing together on the weekend. This is your excuse for dessert for breakfast!

This makes one large pancake, serves 6-8

For the pancake:
4 eggs
1/2 cup unbleached A/P flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
Pinch of sea salt
1 cup milk or water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons butter, melted

For the apples:
1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
3 apples, peeled (if desired), cored and sliced about 1/4" thick

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

For the pancake, beat the eggs in a large mixing bowl. Add the flour, baking powder, sugar, nutmeg, and sea salt. Mix well. Pour in the milk or water while stirring constantly. Add the vanilla and melted butter. Mix well and set aside to rest while you make the apples.

In a small bowl, combine the sugar with the cinnamon and nutmeg.

In an oven-proof sauté pan, melt the butter over medium heat. Sprinkle half of the sugar mixture over the butter. Toss in the apples, stirring to coat all of the apples with the butter and sugar. Cook the mixture for just a minute or so, allowing the apples to caramelize.  Sprinkle the rest of the sugar mixture over the top of the apples. Pour the pancake batter on top. Put the pan directly in the hot oven. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, then turn the heat down to 375 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes. Remove from the oven, and immediately turn the pancake out, flipping it over (caramelized apples up) onto a large serving platter.  Cut into slices and serve immediately.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Scalloped Sweet Potatoes

This savory, creamy sweet potato dish is delicious, and so easy!

Serves 4

3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled
3 medium Yukon Gold or Red potatoes (not Russets)
2 cups heavy cream
2 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt or more
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper or more

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Grease an 8 x 8 baking dish with some of the butter.

Using a mandolin, slice all of the potatoes paper thin. You can slice these right into the baking dish! Sprinkle in the sea salt and pepper. Pour the cream over the top. The cream should almost cover the potatoes. Gently combine the potatoes and cream with your hands and then push down on the top to make it somewhat flat. Top the potatoes with the butter, dotting it on the top. Sprinkle more sea salt and pepper over the top.

Bake for about 1 hour and 10 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender all the way through and the top is a nice crust. Allow to cool a few minutes before serving.
