Monday, November 10, 2014

Smoked Herring Cakes

I have a great seafood dinner coming your way today.  Smoked herring cakes are just amazing and go great with a healthy side salad or greens.  These take no time at all to prepare and cook and are totally delicious!!!  You are going to love this dinner.

These smoked fish cakes are well received with my family. I hear "yeah!!" from my kids when I tell them this is what's for dinner. Serve with Sour Cream Dill Sauce and Steamed Broccoli.

2 cans Wild Caught Smoked Herring, drained*
3 organic carrots
3 medium organic potatoes
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1 organic egg
2 stalks organic celery
1/2 organic onion
1/2 organic red bell pepper
Handful of organic parsley
Sea Salt, to taste
Fresh ground black pepper, to taste
Olive Oil, for pan frying
Flour, for dusting

Rough cut the potatoes and carrots and then boil together until fork tender. Drain and mash with a potato masher. Finely dice the onion, celery, bell pepper, and parsley. Place all veggies in a large mixing bowl. Break up the smoked herring and add it to the bowl. Add egg, bread crumbs and S & P. Mix well. Divide into patties. Dust in flour. Pan fry in olive oil until golden brown, about 5 minutes per side.

*They have these at Trader Joe's, or use baked wild salmon or tuna.

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